Genealogy (Family Tree)
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The pages in this part of the site are mostly generated by Reunion and then modified. The pedigree chart is generated from a GEDCOM file by a simple program I wrote. It is written in C and available to anyone who want to use it.

Back when I was a boy, in the 1960s, I started collecting genealogy information. My grandmother, Helen Ireland was a great help with a family Bible and a good memory. Today, new data comes from others. Thanks to all the people who have provided the information on our family tree. With out the work done by these people our family tree would be pretty small.

Rainer Ohler for the Ohler branch in Germany

Peter Pfaffenhöfer for the Pfaffenhöfer branch in Germany

Olivia Culver for some of the Bergen and Gulick branch

Lorraine (Lori) Luke for the Rapalye branch

Birth of New York for the Rapalye branch and references

Linnie (Vanderford) Poyneer for the Rapalye branch

Reed Wurts for the Rapalye branch

David L. Dickman for the Rapalye branch

Jack Mount for the Rapalye branch


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